
Hello! My name is Lola & I appreciate you checking out my blog. I developed my love of baking from my mom, who made everything from scratch! As my extended family has expanded, we now have many dietary challenges to consider when we get together for meals! From celiac disease (gluten allergy) to vegetarian, to fruit & nut allergies, to sugar free. It has been fun, although a little frustrating at times to try to adapt traditional recipes to meet our various dietary needs. Through much trial & error I’ve gotten some of the recipes figured out & some I’m still working on. I don’t have any formal nutrition or culinary training, but I do enjoy the challenge of adapting recipes!

I will explain what I have tried & what has worked, as well as what hasn’t. I will provide recipes with options for adapting them to different dietary needs. Many recipes are baked goods, but I have also found some good main & side dish recipes that are appealing to those with & those without dietary challenges/preferences. I believe simple can be good! I have some basic skills, but I am by no means an expert. I will try to provide easy to follow recipes that can be successfully accomplished in an average kitchen.

I hope you will join me on my adventures in gluten free (& more) baking!