A guide to peanut butter substitutes

Since there are so many people with peanut butter allergies & restrictions in schools regarding bringing things containing peanut butter, here are a few suggestions for alternatives.

I am the most familiar with Wow Butter. It is a soy based peanut butter alternative. The taste is very close to peanut butter, it is about the same consistency/texture, & is gluten free! I can sometimes find it at the grocery store, or I have found it on amazon. It should be about the same cost as good peanut butter, so maybe check around to make sure you don’t over pay!

There are other peanut butter substitutes out there. I haven’t tried them, so I can’t say how well they substitute in recipes. But keep in mind, many people with peanut allergies, may also have almond, cashew or hazelnut allergies. And many of the peanut butter substitutes contain these products. Others peanut butter alternatives may contain seeds, like sunflower, & some with a peanut allergy may also be allergic to certain seeds. Just something to keep in mind. And if you are not sure, ask them! Or let them know what substitute you have used.


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