Chocolate Chip Cookies


½ cup butter or 1/2 cup shortening (if you want dairy free)

2 tbsp white sugar

½ cup + 2 tbsp brown sugar

½ tsp GF vanilla

¼ tsp cold water

1 egg or egg substitute (amount as directed on container) or 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce (if you want dairy free)

1 cup + 2 tbsp flour or 1 cup + 2 tbsp Bob’s Red Mill 1 to 1 GF flour or 1 cup + 2 tbsp of your favorite GF flour blend + ¼ tsp xanthan gum (omit if your GF flour already contains)

½ tsp baking soda

½ tsp salt

1 cup (6 oz) chocolate chips (semi-sweet, milk or dark chocolate will work – use whatever your favorite is!)

Optional: ½ cup chopped nuts (see notes)


Whisk together flour, xanthan gum (if using), baking soda & salt. Set aside.

Combine butter, white sugar, brown sugar, vanilla & water in bowl. Beat until creamy.

Beat in egg.

Add flour blend & mix until well combined.

Stir in chocolate chips & nuts (if using).

Drop by teaspoonfuls onto baking sheet (with or without parchment paper).


Bake at 350° for about 10 minutes. The cookies should be a nice golden brown.

Remove from pan & cool on wire rack. If they seem too fragile to remove right away, just let them cool on the pan for 1-2 minutes, then remove & finish cooling on a wire rack.



Optional nuts – you can used pecans, walnuts, or whatever your favorite nuts are. I don’t use nuts because of allergies in my family. I do add ¼ - ½ cup extra chocolate chips instead. My thought is you can never have too many chocolate chips! But you can just stick with the 1 cup called for in the recipe.

For dairy free options, shortening works in place of butter. The egg substitute vs applesauce will give you different textures & slightly different tastes. My taste-testers liked both versions.

Applesauce on left, egg substitute on right

Applesauce on left, egg substitute on right

Applesauce on left, egg substitute on right

Applesauce on left, egg substitute on right

This is adapted from my mom’s recipe. It’s a simple, but delicious basic chocolate chip cookie. They keep well in an airtight container (or sealed plastic bag). And they freeze well! Just in case you have a taste for some homemade chocolate chip cookies, but don’t want to eat the entire batch. If you freeze them, you can just take out a few at a time. You can also pop them in the microwave for 5-10 seconds for that warm, right out of the oven treat!


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