Churro Cookies



1 cup butter, softened

2/3 cup sugar

1 egg, slightly beaten

½ tsp GF vanilla

2¼ cup Bob’s Red Mill 1 to 1 Gluten Free Flour or 2¼  cup of your favorite GF flour + 1 tsp xanthan gum (omit if your flour already contains)

½ tsp baking powder

Pinch of salt

4-6 tbsp milk


½ cup hot (not boiling) water

2 cups powdered sugar



1 cup sugar

2 tbsp cinnamon



Whisk together GF flour, xanthan gum (if using), baking powder & salt. Set Aside

In large bowl, beat butter & sugar until light & fluffy. Add egg & vanilla & mix until completely combined.

Add flour mixture & mix on lowest speed until combined. Dough will be very thick & sticky. Add milk, starting with 4 tbsp, & mixing until completely combined. Dough should still be thick & slightly sticky, but soft enough to push through your pastry tip. If it is still too thick, add more milk a little at a time. (You don’t want the dough too soft or it won’t hold it’s shape after you pipe it onto the baking sheet.)


Fit pastry bag with large (about ¾ inch) star tip. Fill pastry bag with dough & pipe long lines onto baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

Bake at 375° for 8-11 minutes. Keep an eye on the bottom, so they don’t get too brown. Outside will be pale & should feel slightly firm to the touch.

Remove pan & cool on wire cooling rack for 1-2 minutes. Then slice into 2-4 inch pieces with a sharp knife. (See notes) Place pieces on wire cooling rack & cool completely.




In medium bowl, whisk together hot water & powdered sugar. It will be very runny – which is just how you want it.



In a flat bowl or pie plate, combine sugar & cinnamon.


Glazing & Coating Cookies

This step can be a little tedious, just be patient & keep at it, because the final product will be worth the effort! Dip each cookie into the glaze, then let all the excess drip off. Next dip the cookie into the cinnamon & sugar coating & turn over several times to coat all sides. Then place the cookie back on the wire cooling rack to set, which takes about 45 minutes.



This recipe is based on Thanks Liz!

These cookies look very similar to actual churros, they lack the distinct crunch, but they keep fresh longer! My adult taste testers said they are perfect to dunk in your coffee & my kid taste testers liked to dunk them in chocolate sauce (I like to use Hershey’s Dark Chocolate Ice Cream topping). I also use them to decorate my Churro Cupcakes. However you decide to eat them, they are totally worth the effort to make!

When slicing these cookies, it will work best with a sharp knife. What length cookie you decide to cut them into depends on your personal choice. I cut them into 2 inch pieces if I’m putting them on my Churro Cupcakes for decoration, but into longer pieces if I’m serving them as cookies. If the ends get a little to brown (which happens), just cut that part off.


Churro Cupcakes